SOUTH BRONX SCHOOL: Former PS 154x Assistant Principal Rajendra Jimenez Jailall Makes Empty Promises and Blames Me

Sunday, October 4, 2015

Former PS 154x Assistant Principal Rajendra Jimenez Jailall Makes Empty Promises and Blames Me

So how is that lawsuit going you might ask? Well, it is chugging along slowly.

I last mentioned the lawsuit that we filed against DR Alison Coviello; Principal and Ed.D. of PS 154 in the Bronx, the DOE, and Yolanda Torres back in August.

Discovery was supposed to be in on September 11, 2015 and so far we have received squat.

Because I have an extremely ethical attorney in Bryan Glass he kept on top of me to get my tush in gear to finish those darn Interrogatories. It's been tough. What with the holidays and me looking for a job every day for several weeks I just could not do it. But I finally finished it.

One interrogatory that comes to mind is when I am asked who told me that I would be given notebooks to use for my Character Education Through Literacy (Always add the "Through Literacy" or DR Alison Coviello; Principal and Ed.D. of PS 154 in the Bronx will plotz!) and when.

Simple. It was the most inept Assistant Principal ever, Rajendra Jimenez Jailall. He is not at 154 anymore, but currently the AP at Bronx Bridges High School (God he couldn't deal with 3rd graders how is he doing this?). DR Alison Coviello; Principal and Ed.D. of PS 154 in the Bronx effectively neutered him his last year at 154 the 2013-2014 school year.

We even supported Mr J as we called him, or sometimes Mr Bowtie, when he was shat upon by DR Alison Coviello; Principal and Ed.D. of PS 154 in the Bronx. But he was just too neutered to do anything and just tucked it under and slank away.

But Mr J and myself had a meeting on November 9, 2012 in which he promised to get me notebooks (Listen here).

No remember that I had this program thrust upon me in a conspiracy between DR Alison Coviello; Principal and Ed.D. of PS 154 in the Bronx and BFF AP Jessica Cruz. I had taught Character Ed. before but I not integrating it with the cult of Lucy Calkins.

I never received the notebooks from Mr J. Instead all I received were about 300 pocket folders. But so much could have been taken care back in September if I just followed what BFF AP Jessica Cruz testified to in my 3020-a hearing.
So the procedure for getting supplies  for students at the beginning of the school year--and  this is a practice that, I mean, we all learn in  Teachers School. You write "Welcome letters" to your  parents introducing yourself and teachers ask for  supply lists. And so, students typically would come  with the supplies to school for students that can't  afford or don't bring all the supplies, then we can  make accommodations.
We learn this in teacher school? Did the dance teacher have to do this? The art teacher? I had been a cluster before and never was I asked to send a letter home for supplies. Only homeroom teachers had done that. But even if I was supposed to why did DR Alison Coviello; Principal and Ed.D. of PS 154 in the Bronx mention this to me or in any of the write ups I had in the beginning of that school year or what did not BFF AP Jessica Cruz inform me of this on our September 29 meeting?

But it gets better, BFF AP Jessica Cruz goes on;
So Mr. Zucker had asked Mr. J for folders
No I didn't. Listen again, it was offered to me.

But BFF AP Jessica Cruz is not done with me yet...

So as I mentioned, the schools are not in the policy or the habit of providing supplies for  all classroom teachers I was a cluster not a classroom teacher for the school year, which is the reason why teachers all write letters to parents welcoming them--introducing themselves and welcoming  their children to the classroom classroom teachers do, and they do it in June and not clusters, and also include a  list of supplies that you would need. In addition to  that, we do have a supply closet, and there are some  supplies in there. So if a student doesn't bring, or if a classroom happens to just have a group of students where most parents didn't supply the  materials then we would provide for that class. You  know, it would be for that specific--because that  class has a specific need. In addition to that,  teachers receive Teacher's Choice, and Teacher's Choice is monies that are given to teachers by the  Department of Education to provide--to buy supplies for students or for their classroom, and it would encompass anything from crayons and markers and paper  to even, like, an overhead projector. I spent over $100 of my money to get that classroom ready!So the  Teacher's Choice usually comes around December so how could I get notebooks for December?, and teachers have--it's either a direct deposit or an  actual check that's handed to teachers. The teachers  have to August--before the school year kicks off--  until March to use up the monies, and they just have  to provide receipts for what they've purchased. 

See, BFF AP Jessica Cruz had come to informally observe me on November 8, 2012. My meeting with Mr J, to discuss my informal observation of a month earlier was about to take place, the next day. At this point when BFF AP Jessica Cruz came into informally observed me my meeting with Mr J had yet tot take place so that I can learn from my previous observation!

And how did Mr J testify?
Q. Mr. Zucker asked you for student notebooks for his students? 
A. Yes, there was a request for notebooks.
WRONG RAJENDRA!! You offered the notebooks, twice (Listen to the second time in the same meeting)!

But who's fault is it that I never was told of sending a letter home, getting the notebooks, and getting folders instead... at the end of December? Of course, it was my fault.

Why was it my fault? I know dumb question.

If my name was Joe Smith I never go through this crap.

Next of me asking the most inept Assistant Principal ever, Rajendra Jimenez Jailall, for a demo lesson in November than January and he promising it and never following through. Oh, and let's not forget me asking the most inept Assistant Principal ever, Rajendra Jimenez Jailall, that I can stay late one day a week after school and if he can work with me on setting up my learning environment and hear how he blows me off. That and more next time!

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